thanks for the add!
By Molly Soda
Leiminspace is proud to present "thanks for the add!" a solo show by mixed media artist Molly Soda. The show will open to the public on the evening of April 6th, 2017 and will be up for viewing until April 29th at leiminspace, 443 Lei Min Way, in Chinatown Los Angeles. Gallery hours are 1-6 pm Wednesday through Friday.
In thanks for the add!, Molly Soda excavates her heavily subjective online art practice. Active since the days of AOL, Soda was a part of the first generation of adolescents to transition their poignant, private scrawlings to the glowing realm of online diaries- still confessional, but exposed to the eyes of others. The remains of her activity have formed a dense, illuminated stream of digital strata delineated by the rapid shifts in fashion, technology, and dominant social media interfaces that emerged between 2003 and 2007. Through selfies (before we called them that) and screen grabs, she captures images of emo hair, glittering cursors, scribbled-on converse, Myspace layouts and Top 8s. Soda presents her artifacts as thick acrylic prints, giant banners, and electronic displays- a polished kaleidoscope of screen fragments dating back to the days of lj and Xanga. The show wonders at how this newly crystallized phenomenon of online memory meddles with the physical and internal realities of its subjects: How do we incorporate this information into our self images? What of the pieces that have been deleted forever? Thanks for the add! is a bildungsroman for the era of flash-lit teenagers that made up the big bang of internet culture.